Thursday, June 14, 2012

Voila art gallery

                                                                      Cat Eye

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

At the Charlestown Art Gallery

                                                                      Direction         sold                                                
The Game and Defying Gravity

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New at my studio

 This arch was just moved from a dangerous tree location. I am selling this for $1200. anyone interested can reach me at my e-mail.
 This is a picture of Eclipse and my newest piece Light house on arrow head ledge. The light house is 4' long,6' high and weighs in at 1200lbs. It also has solar powered lights.Anyone interested can get in touch with the Charlestown art gallery.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Cat eye completed

Cat Eye is now completed. This garden animal is the king of cats and the protector of the garden.It can be viewed at Voila' art gallery in Wickford R.I.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Game

This piece has to do with the contest, the competitive challenges and the trial of strengths. It's about the skills and endurance of the game. The concrete balls on either side represent the competitors while the track in between is the conception of the past and present. The rules may change but, the game will never end. This piece can be viewed at the Charlestown  Gallery.


This sphere represents the core of our internal guidance system. The arrows point towards the core which is the center of our being. This is who we are. The outer shell is the supporting structure from where the direction comes. This is our family and friends. This piece can be seen at the Charlestown Gallery.                sold

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Wave Table
When I was designing this table my wife and I had just had just gotten back from the beach. Even though we were home our thoughts of where we had been were still with us. The ocean has a way of cleaning your mind of the every day stresses that we all bare. The strength and characteristics of the waves and the treasures that they wash up onto the beach are of constant interest. Cindy looks for sea glass and heart shaped rocks for her collection jar while I admire drift wood and stones of various shapes and colors. So this was my inspiration for this piece. I thought wouldn't it be cool to have a table that would represent the good feelings that the ocean gives us. As the wave curls, it's powerful under tow carves the sand beneath  into the tear drop shapes that display the treasures from your last visit to the beach.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

finished for now

                                                           The Game
                                            Wave Table              


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wave table in the works

After the table has been designed and dimensions applied in scale, the forming starts. The picture above shows the form laying on it's side which will be the easiest to pour this project. The styrofoam knock outs have been positioned in place and screwed in to hold steady while pouring.
Once everything is where it should be, the rebar reinforcement is cut,fitted,welded,cleaned,and sealed. Because the wave table wasn't designed to have an end support,the steel supporting and connecting the top to the bottom is made up of heavier bars. Additional bars add to the rigidity by transferring weight and making it a strong armature. When the concrete is poured, it will bond to the steel and fill in the voids making it one solid piece.
 Here the inner form is put in thus sealing the bulkheads and knockouts. Spacer blocks are inserted between the forms and the rebar to make sure the proper spacing is kept while adding the concrete. They will be pulled out when pouring.
 The forms are checked for plum and level again then braced.
 After the piece has been removed from it's forms the grinding begins. Here the table has already been shaped and been smoothed with 400 grit diamonds. The styrofoam can still be seen within the tear drop shapes. This gets removed by hand.
The table is shown on one of my finishing carts. I designed these to move and rotate heavy pieces so that the different phases of finishing can be accomplished.

Friday, February 3, 2012

art table 2/3/2012
This table is made from a fiber and steel reinforced concrete mix that is very strong and durable. It is an inside table that can be used outside in mild conditions. The top has been sealed and coated with bees wax that was buffed to a nice shine. The only maintenance would be an occasional application of a good quality furniture polish. The legs are maintenance free. All my pieces are one of a kind that are signed and dated by me. The dimensions are 30" tall, 13.5"wide and 34.5"long. My concrete art furniture can be seen at Voila' Fine Art gallery.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Rxmixdbag: The Balancing Act

Rxmixdbag: The Balancing Act

The Balancing Act
 Life has a balance that needs to be maintained. Everything will effect or change anything that relies on the other. The pyramid shaped fulcrum has been altered through change, which has disrupted the pieces that were once balanced. The holes represent the internal struggles that effect our lives every day. The once level plank has tilted making the ring fall into perforated concrete bar. The bar, once straight is now twisted to resist from toppling over. People, like this reinforced concrete sculpture are strong and will persevere to regain their lives balances again.                        
This is one of my finished gallery pieces which can be viewed at Voila' Art Gallery in Wickford R.I.